When choosing the right rear view camera, viewing angle is one of the most important features to consider. But how do you know which viewing angle is most suitable for your vehicle and situation?

This has to do, among other things, with the environment you primarily drive in, how large the vehicle is and what options and preferences you have for mounting the rear view camera.

What is the viewing angle?

The viewing angle indicates how many degrees the image is that the camera records. In other words, it is the "wide view" of the camera, so to speak. The viewing angle is measured horizontally, vertically and diagonally. However, it is the horizontal viewing angle that is considered the most decisive. This is because it reflects how far the rearview camera "looks" to the left and right.

Large vs. small viewing angle

The comparison below of the Camos CS-55 reversing camera in 180°, 150° and 120° versions shows what the difference between a large and small(er) viewing angle means in practice. The reversing cameras are positioned at three meters in height and six meters away from the door.

Note: Streaks on the image are the result of photographing the monitor, not representative of actual image quality.

At first you may think: the larger the viewing angle, the better. After all, the farther I can see to the left and right behind my vehicle, the more overview I have. This is certainly true, yet there are also disadvantages to such a large viewing angle. After all, the entire image has to be displayed on the monitor in the cab. So the wider the image, the smaller everything is on the screen. In addition, the larger the viewing angle, the more unclear the image often becomes. At horizontal viewing angles greater than 180° you get a fisheye effect on the monitor, which does not make the image any clearer.

With a rearview camera with a small viewing angle, the images are generally displayed clearly, but the fact that you cannot see far to the left or right can again be a hindrance. As a result, there is little visibility of the blind spots around the vehicle and, for example, it is (too) late to see if a cyclist or pedestrian is approaching from the side.

In general, the smaller the viewing angle, the more important the positioning of the rearview camera.

The pros and cons at a glance:

Advantages large viewing angle

  • Lots of overview around vehicle

  • Ideal for low mounting or few positioning options

Disadvantages large viewing angle

  • Everything is very small on the monitor

  • The larger the viewing angle, the blurrier the image

Advantages small viewing angle

  • Sharp images on monitor

  • Clearly distinguishable obstacles and persons

Disadvantages small viewing angle

  • Limited options in terms of mounting

  • Less or no visibility around the vehicle at all

The right balance

So it is a matter of finding the right balance between the sharp image on the monitor in the cab and visibility into the blind spots around the vehicle. There is no rearview camera that provides the perfect balance for every vehicle. Among other factors, this depends on the size of the vehicle and the environment in which it operates.

CS-3515 | Compact reversing camera with large viewing angle of 150°.

Other factors in choosing the right rear view camera

Besides the viewing angle, there are other factors that help determine which rear view camera is best to choose.

Image sensor

Image quality is determined not only by the viewing angle of the rearview camera. The image sensor in the camera also plays an important role here. A larger image sensor can also handle a larger viewing angle. The images are then presented more clearly on the monitor.

Mirrored image

If the rearview camera is actually mounted on the back of the vehicle. Is it convenient if the image is mirrored? This way it is immediately clear to the driver which side of the vehicle something or someone is on. As with an ordinary mirror, persons or objects that are on the left behind the vehicle are also displayed on the left side of the monitor.

Since this is also how mirrors are displayed, the driver therefore does not have to think extra about where exactly the danger is. Thus, there is less risk of damage and/or accidents.

However, it is not always the case that you want the images to be mirrored. For example, with a camera on the front (front camera) this is not practical, because otherwise you will see people or objects on the left side of the vehicle on the right side of the monitor.

With Camos monitors you can set whether you want the images to be mirrored or not. You can also choose to mirror one camera and not the other.

Mounting options

On some vehicles, there are numerous places and opportunities to mount a rear view camera, but this is not always the case. Then it is convenient if the position of the camera in relation to the vehicle can be manually adjusted so that you can still see the area next to the vehicle you want to see.


Photo - Camos reversing cameras with different mounting options.

Some cameras are attached to the vehicle with mounting brackets. This still allows the camera itself to be adjusted relative to the bracket. Another type of camera where the positioning can be adjusted manually is the eyeball camera.

Photo - Eyeball camera where the lens can rotate relative to the housing.


The environment in which the vehicle travels also affects the choice of a rearview camera. Vehicles that travel off-road a lot, such as tractors or construction equipment, often need more protection from water and dust. In such a case, a shutter camera, for example, can help. With this type of camera, a cover automatically slides in front of the lens when the camera is not in use. This way, the lens remains better protected from dirt.

Would you like to see our reversing cameras and monitors with your own eyes and work with us to see which are most suitable in your situation? Please contact us to make an appointment. Our demo truck will then visit you without any obligation.