Our EASY Solutions
EASY Management
These organisations already work with the Easy
vehicle management and safety solutions from Rietveld
About our EASY Mindset
In everything we do, we ask ourselves, "How can we make work even easier?
This is reflected in our Easy Management and Easy Safety solutions and products. We simply always want to improve work in the simplest way possible. Our mission is to work with our customers and partners to make organisations more sustainable, increase business efficiency and provide safer working conditions. We have these goals in mind: working more efficiently, saving costs, improving sustainability and safety. These goals will always benefit the job satisfaction of our customers and within Rietveld.
We have linked our core values to each EASY letter.
What customers think of their EASY experience
"With EasyDrive, we first did a pre measurement. Then we started working with drivers together to see what their personal score was and the overall average score. Within five months we saw results."
Lemm - André Abbo | Read more |
Thanks to Rietveld's solutions, we receive real-time automatic status updates of our vehicles.
Betonmortelcentrale - Jos van der Velden | Watch video |
We started incorporating EasyDrive in January and the first results are already great at 8% reduction. It is therefore not inconceivable that the intended result, 10 to 12% fuel savings will be realised already in the first year."
Van Vulpen - Erik Rebergen | Read more |
"Our requirements were realised with the right expertise from Rietveld and collaboration. By combining various systems into a final product, we were able to significantly improve safety on our fleet. With a combination of 360° ''Bird view'' cameras, detection sensors and zone marker lights, we achieved the desired result and are very proud of the final result!"
Mammoet - Ferdi Kivanc | Watch video |